Collection: Meet & Greet: Senior Primary Module
The Meet & Greet module starts off the year by teaching children how to greet someone or how to meet someone for the first time. The Senior Primary Module follows on from the previous Junior Primary level and builds on the skills previously learned. It starts off teaching children the importance of being themselves and accepting who they are. Children learn the importance of making a good first impression and how to do so. It moves on to the different ways they can greet adults (formally and informally) and peers, both verbally and nonverbally. There are also lessons about telephone manners, inviting someone for a playdate, accepting an invite for a playdate, and even how to refuse an invite for a playdate. It ends off with guidance on how to share information without being over- or under-inclusive.
All stories are in E-version, ready for you to print in the convenience of your own home, office or school.
They are available in a home or group programme - a pack of weekly social understanding lessons including resources and lesson plans - for the whole term!
Or... make up your own package for your child - just add the resources that you need for your child to your cart for instant E-delivery.
Email all school/home programme orders or enquiries to